Tuesday 7 February 2012

A year on. The things miss the most.

No.5 Calum's fringe.

Once upon a time this time last year, Calum had a fringe so thick, so luscious that it brought swarms of pre-teens with their mother's ID to Thekla every thursday night. Though it made him look like the brunette from Tatu it had the best anti-aging properties thus it made him look young enough to hang out with his friends. A year on, he no longer has
the run your fingers through it hair I once loved but
sports a fashionable up-do.

No.4 My moral guidiance- The art of making metaphors out of nothing

This time last year, this blog was at its peak. I would use this blog as an outlet to offer moral guidance and support for all my mentally deficient familiars.
I would often make a metaphor out of anything. The most popular being Slice

After countinuley offering the wrong advice, people have stopped listening to me as I've become that crack lady in the underpass that needs help because the goverment have stolen her brain.

No.3 Ranicar's indecency- get your tits out for the lads!

Ever wondered how Ranicar became such a social staple? It's pretty simple actually. You only know who he is because I engineered his social presence. Now it feels like he's always been here. Just like mobile phones, it's hard to think what we did without him.

I recall when I first invited him to Cherry Court-B402, after that there was no getting rid of him. He was here to stay. He made himself comfortable, too comfortable.
After a week or so of being part time residence of b402, Ranicar decided clothes were out and indecency was in, which, in truth, was a far better site than the numerous street urchins and rabid Otters Tom M would adopt and bring back for the night.
A year on, he's paying rent, working at Urban Outfitters and in a catholic sense, living in sin.

No.2 Pat and Abbie-My heart will go on.

They called it 'The relation-ship of dreams' It brought life and soul and weird bumps in the night into Cherry court. It was built during the summer. Maz held the rivets as I hammered them in. It was, at the the time, the greatest thing afloat -that was-until it smashed into something tough, broke in two and sank.

I do feel partly responsible for creating such marvel and not providing enough lifeboats for all on board. Pat later learnt from histories' greatest castrophe and went on to date a block of dry ice which, just like regular ice, didn't last. Abbie left Bs8 and moved downtown and now only galavants with lead singers and bass players.

No.1 Cherry Court-B402

Cherry Court a.k.a The Mother ship/Mecca/Thekla staff HQ

Home to many, open to all. I moved in with Pat because he didn't have any friends and I was the only person willing to overlook his lip ring/fake tan/waxed chest combo. It was a task, a renovation I was willing to take on. In exchange of my services as chief BFF he bought me a double air bed,well in truth he bought me many as they routinely got punctured or soiled by Tom M's many night time activities/visitors. No one will ever know the atrocities dishonorableness that occurred within b402.
Time did not exist within cherry court and one i.e Pat, could easy lose a few days stalking desirables on Facebook alone.
I loved cherry court so much I named a hat after her.

A year on, b402 is no doubt inhabited by people below a station appropriate for such a museam of memories. Pat moved in with some gays south of the river and we saw what was intended to be Cherry court revisted as Tom M moved in with a bunch of girls from the north.

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