Thursday 4 November 2010

Ben's blog

You remember my dear friend Ben who I introduced you to last month? well, as I told you before, Ben makes money participating in clinical trials. He gets probed and injected with all types of nasty gear but it's worth it for he gets paid thousands of pounds. Who needs health when you can have a third ear?
Unlike many Bristolians, Ben is responsible and sensible with money, he saves it up (something I have never been able to do, ever) and goes traveling. During his european tour, he took a jesus cardboard cut off and took pictures of the son of God in iconic places.. which is cool, but slightly sinister. It makes me think he was he raised by Carrie White's Mother

He's currently in South America, he's going for a year. Two things concern me, firsty, in South America, even the diner ladies have guns and it's a well known fact Taxi drivers, police and pre-teens are more than likely to mug you at gun point. Secondly, and more importantly, Ben borrowed my Pirate costume for Bestival and he hasn't given it back. I have to go without a pirate costume for a whole year.

I am glad to see that Ben has set up his own website thing where he blogs about where he's going and what it's like etc. Follow it, click on this

He is swiftly running out of places to see, he hasn't been to Iraq yet or Afghanistan - or anywhere else they stone women to death for wearing a bit of lippy. Hopefully the Lab has ran out of things to experiment on him, though that being said, it wouldn't surprise me if he ends up having his head transplanted onto the body of a dog.

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