Friday 8 October 2010

Lora English

Meet Lora

She is significantly older than she looks, which means she's at least 15.
Don't bee fooled by her name, for she isn't English at all, she was born and raised in the congo.

She is a relatively new addiction to my out of hours collective.

She always has 'a plus one here for the gig tonight'
She earns money being a club photographer, which everyone knows is the biggest retardation of a job if you're in say... London, but in Bristol it impregnates you and all around you with epi-kudos and you adopt a godly status. Plus she takes pictures in grey scale, so everyone knows we're having 'new wave fun with a vintage feel'.

She wears bows in her hair and floral skirts but not in a "I watch skins and shop in Motel" way, but more of a " I want revisit my lost childhood as I didn't have one in the congo, I was too busy running from Lions." way.

She's r vertically challenged, and to my delight and utter bemusement she was recently seeing a guy who was also 5ft small inches, and they totally looked like an authentic Victorian couple and whenever I saw them I imagined them in period evening wear and undergarments

She's wasted as a photographer, she should be an assassin, for she has taken some of the worst shots of me, she never fails to catch one at one's worse.

Rumour has it, she has a day job, something in media, but according to the Biblical teachings of the song " Being a dickhead's cool" A job in the media means you're on the dole. Which means she's possibly the only benefit scrounger that you don't want to kick in the face.

O and she also organises a vegan crunk night.

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