Thursday 7 October 2010

Film of the week.

Whatever happened to Baby Jane.

I'm well aware that black and white films are about as cool as black and white crocs, however, if people actually sat down and watched some, they would realise that all the bollocks that is made today hasn't got shit on the classics. In the golden age of cinema, Movies contained things called Actors and Actresses, and movies did not use car chases and explosions as a carpet to sweep all the rest of the film's crap under.

'Whatever happened to baby Jane' is a story about two sisters, both of which were famous singers and actresses, Baby Jane (Bette Davis) was a child star during the early 1900s, who was adored and spoiled by her father, which made her younger Sister Blanche (joan cawford) bitterly jealous.
The film then jumps to the 1930's, The roles have reverses, Blanche is now a successful actress, jealous that her child star days were over, Jane becomes abusive and envious towards Blanche and starts drinking heavily. Bitter rivalry is sparked between the pair. within the opening, we see both sisters in a car, we are then showed what looks like Blanche getting out to open a gate, it then cuts to what we think is Jane's foot pushing the peddle crashing into Blanche, crippling her.
The film skips to 1961, Jane has become Blanche's full time carer, They live together in a large but unkept mansion, Blanche is Dependent, thus controlled by Jane. As events unfold, we see Jane mental health worsen and the film takes a sinister twist.....

Watch it.

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